Kategorie: Allgemein

  • Mexican Soliparty

    Mexican Soliparty

    November 2nd ✨ Day of the Dead Celebration 💀🎊 We will host a traditional Mexican Soliparty, in the Hausprojekt M29, Malmöerstr. 29. Bring your friends, enough appetite for Mexican food, and your dancing shoes 💃Solidrinks and Küfa Provided at Home ✨ We’ll have music and a poetry recital as well, feel free to participate, poems…

  • M29 Flohmarkt / M29 Flea Market

    M29 Flohmarkt / M29 Flea Market

    M29 Flohmarkt Wir laden euch ein, den Herbst im Hausprojekt M29 zu begrüßen Flohmarkt und Kinder Programm: 14:00-18:00 Küfa: 18:00 Gespräch mit Rub (Maya Aktivist*In über sexuelle Dissidenz im Kampf um die Verteidigung des Territoriums Conversation in English with the possibility of translation into German or Spanish. Rub wird sich auf die lokalen Erfahrungen von…

  • Summerparty and Re-opening of the Project Room at M29

    Summerparty and Re-opening of the Project Room at M29

    We, the M29, are quite happy to invite you on the 10th of August, to our summerparty and re-opening of our project room We have a full program starting from 2 p.m. in the garden with flea market, ice cream, drinks and children program.From 5 p.m we continue in the project room with ‚People’s Kitchen‘…

  • Third statement M29: Update an recollection of the situation

    Here follows an update about what happened and our current state: As written earlier, the organizers of the occupation of the house are now gone. We would like to give you our take on the evening of 9th May, where things escalated, leading to a defacto eviction. As written earlier, Thursday morning we realized that…

  • Statement Graffitis

    German below With this statement, we, the collective of the house project would like to distance ourselves from any relativization of the holocaust. Solidarizing with the Palestinian people is in these times crucial and their suffering through this nationalistic occupation politics must be seen and spoken about, at the same time this should never mean…

  • New email adress

    Hi, our email adress was hacked. We created now a new one: malmi@riseup.net Please don’t react on email from m29@riseup.net and inform us, if you get some. Thanks! Solidarity & greetings, the M29

  • Second Statement house project M29

    Update on the Situation in the M29 Houseproject The following is an update on the escalative situation in our houseproject, which we acknowledge with sorrow and pain. After the escalative situation on the 5.5.2024, the house was definitively divided into two groups. A group of four people and the rest. This group is convinced that the…

  • Statement houseproject M29 07.05.2024// Stellungnahme Hausprojekt M29 07.05.2024

    Deutsch unten Statement houseproject M29 The following short statement is a summary of the situation of the houseproject from nineteen of its BIPoC, white residents and children. Since about a year the Houseproject M29 has been in a structural crisis and shift coming from the oppressive kind of the structures, but also a specific escalating…

  • ROJAVA: 11 Jahre Revolution der Hoffnung.Küfa-Lagerfeuer-Diskussion

    ROJAVA: 11 Jahre Revolution der Hoffnung.Küfa-Lagerfeuer-Diskussion

    ROJAVA: 11 Jahre Revolution der Hoffnung.Küfa-Lagerfeuer-Diskussion Die Revolution von Rojava feiert ihr elfjähriges Jubiläum und gilt mit ihrem basisdemokratischen, gendergerechten und ökologischen Ansatz weiterhin weltweit als Hoffnungsschimmer und Inspirationsquelle. Wir feiern 11 Jahre Rojava Revolution mit Küfa, einem Moralabend am Lagerfeuer und einer Diskussion über die Befreiung der Frauen der kurdischen Revolution mit Rednerinnen von…

  • Let´s read and discuss the book „Joyful Militancy“!

    Let´s read and discuss the book „Joyful Militancy“!

    (GERMAN BELOW) Let´s read and discuss the book „Joyful Militancy“!3rd meeting / 1st chapter (continuation) & 2nd chapterJoin anytime – no matter if you missed the previous meetings. WHEN: 10th July 2023, 6-8 PMWHERE: Hausprojekt M29, Malmöer Str. 29, 10439 Berlin, in our gardenLANGUAGE: Text in English, discussion according to group needs in English, German…